Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Boring Architecture, Vivid Colors


By the time I was writing this issue, noted the title Architecture  Photography in Florida was opposing these Norwegian Architecture pictures so before getting any further decided to come back to the first paragraph and clarify the intent of this blog.

Whether the name is In Florida, it is about Architecture Photography as viewed from Florida. My studio is located ans serves the state of  Florida, and this blog makes comments on different photographer's work around the world.

The original article started here:Not all the time you will find the right combination of interesting architecture and exact color combination that suits your visual needs. Besides, it is a very subjective issue as it depends on personal preferences and taste. Going no further, here is exhibit A showing a not so exiting architecture but a great color choosing.

As you can see, there are no features that might drive you crazy but in general there is a sense of tranquility about this place. No wonder it is a church but it does not defeat the purpose in anyway, on the contrary that is the outcome intended on the original design.
I did not check on the picture data but it seems to be some Photoshop work done, which is acceptable from any stand point, all that counts is the final result.

My second proponent is a great example of a plain architecture design, boring if you will, conditioned with a subtle family of colors, very appropriate to the setting. Besides, the photographer shot his shutter along with his bag of tricks and got the right angle and the right composition. The inclusion of the reflection in a greater percentage than the real subject (60-40%) makes it even more interesting.

And here, my last exhibit shows a cozy color combination in conjunction with the blue sky. In fact, the Church Building itself only has an off white base and hunter green on the chapeau, however that is all you need to create a great picture.

Less is more (in this case) and simply wanted to include it here because a simple and plain design can be in association with a few simple color a recipe for a beautiful picture.

Until the next issue, all the best,

Miguel Perez
Orlando, FL


Architecture www.architecturephotographyflorida.blogspot.com

Aviation www.aviationphotographyfl.blogspot.com

Product www.productphotographyflorida.blogspot.com



The pictures linked to on this blog are presented as en element of critique and to convey an opinion or point of view. The blog's author presents pictures of his property and others, without claiming or suggesting ownership of any copyrighted images other than his.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Modern Skyscrapers


Amazing falls short of expression when it comes to describing these towers I am about to show you as I click on the insert picture icon:

The contrast made out of a solid combination of silver and blue makes the picture a keeper and the eye catcher is the texture of the windows and overall figure volume.

It is very much like the two iconic Empire Estate and Chrysler Building in Manhattan, only with a more solid message to the viewers out there. It is the tallest and these days is hard to get traction on a project involving high rise development. There are many factor associated with these kind of projects, not only on the engineering side of it but from the financial and security perspective too.

A darker approach with still that Gotham City hue, yet the more solid message stays the course. A very conservative light management, shy dimensioned windows and sharp angles are some of the ingredients for this steel rock. Can't say that is not a good shot, but the angle could have been more alternative if you would. The camera is perfectly set in front of the corner and so is the tilt angle, a bit too predictable for my taste.

And here a newer perspective, again too predictable and conservative, however the result is great because every time you use good elements the result is obviously good when not great. Interesting to thing about the lighting conditions underneath the bridge (they look unreal0 but regardless of the photoshop usage level, it has been used with dexterity and by all means I like it.

It is important to study the style you are shooting before ever attempting to doing so, because it is later when you see the Monday morning quarterbacking effect. There is a lot to do with planning when it comes to Architecture and it pays off at the end of the editing session.

Until the next issue, all the best.


Original www.miguelperezphoto.blogspot.com

Architecture www.architecturephotographyflorida.blogspot.com

Aviation www.aviationphotographyfl.blogspot.com

Product www.productphotographyflorida.blogspot.com

Friday, November 4, 2011

A New Look At Prefab

There is a close contact between my childhood memories and prefab architecture as my father was a promoter of this concept. The advent of new material would open up the door to an emerging market defined by a lower budget and a new look.

Perhaps the picture does not make justice to my point but you can blame it on me. The picture shows a natural and intended bled between the house and the surroundings so it is kind of hard to get the details but that is why I got some more.

By now, we can spot the different concept, a naturalistic Eco-friendly look and of course an expected lower cost.

On exhibit B it is more evident the change of style. The space is optioned by using squared areas and high ceilings that offer a great volume and sense of amplitude.
Another interesting element is the austerity on the house surroundings.

No platforms, no modifications, only the necessary elements such as a simple deck around the whole house. How does that sound? Not bad really. Any modification thereafter will be a matter of time, only you have the confidence of doing the right modification as you are not simply guessing, you have a proven decision about a new change.

This final example, portrays the very essence of the prefab homes in terms of minimalistic design with wide volume under the roof. It looks like a wooden cabin, but once you are knocking on the door you realize the scale of the project and especially, how wide and generous the space is.

It is a good mental exercise to reconsider the space distribution and where exactly our dwelling need reside. Perhaps you will realize that what you want is not a conventional townhouse or a 4000Sq. Ft. estate. Maybe you were looking for a pre-fab cabin with all you ever wished for and didn't know it.

Until the next issue, all the best.



Architecture www.architecturephotographyflorida.blogspot.com

Aviation www.aviationphotographyfl.blogspot.com

Product www.productphotographyflorida.blogspot.com

Commercial www.commercialphotographyinflorida.blogspot.com